A chronic disease is a long-term condition that doesn’t get better on its own and is not cured completely.

Caring for someone with a chronic disease is challenging and emotionally draining. This is because the progress of the disease, and the changes this may cause in the person you’re caring for create a difficult situation. Myositis is progressive and presents significant challenges for patients and carers. The role of carers in the journey is recognised and we extend support and offer coping resources.

Finding out all you can about their particular condition and how to manage it can help.

There are many tips and resources online that may help you look after a person with a chronic disease. The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia  https://www.disabilitygateway.gov.au/

As a carer, you play an important role in helping the person you care for do what they can to manage their own chronic disease.

Self-management is about:

  • learning what you can about the disease, its treatment and management
  • understanding the medications prescribed
  • building skills to help manage the fatigue, pain, frustration and isolation that people with chronic disease often get
  • communicating effectively with health professionals by answering questions accurately, asking your own questions and making sure you understand the information given to you. Remember that if you want to speak to health professionals about the chronic disease of the person you care for, you will need the person’s written consent. Ask the health professional about the best way to do this.
  • improving nutrition and general health
  • including activity and fitness sessions in daily routines
  • practising relaxation techniques and problem-solving skills
  • finding and accessing community support groups and other useful resources
  • managing emotions that often seem to be part of everyday life.

The person you care for may also like to attend an information session designed for people living with chronic conditions.

Contact your local GP for more information on courses in your area. Because of the relentless demands associated with chronic illness, understanding positive methods of coping can greatly benefit everyone affected by the condition.

Helpful coping strategies include:

  • Take breaks —Schedule quiet time, visit with friends who can offer positive reinforcement, or take regular days off from routine. Home health agencies may offer “respite care” or adult day care programs that can give you a break.
  • Take care —Eat balanced meals, get an adequate amount of sleep, and check with a doctor about any continuing problems.
  • Understand your limits —Find local resources that can offer physical, emotional, and psychological support to you as a caregiver. Realize that you cannot do everything for everyone. Find out if your state offers helpful programs.
  • Getting help —Relieve feelings of isolation, anger, and frustration by seeking out the help of counselors or support group.
  • Plan ahead —Take advantage of professionals who can help you get ready for legal, financial, or long-term health issues before you need them. Accept that your loved one’s status may change and you may not be able to help any further. If necessary, seek guidance for end of life issues.

The most important point to remember is that you do not need to go through this alone. There are resources available to help you and your loved one. Reach out and contract someone for the support that you deserve.

Your GP is able to assist with a Care Plan which will allow a series of visits with a range of support services such as psychology, psychiatry, counselling, physiotherapist, dietician, occupational therapist and social worker..

Some useful links for carers



Emotional and practical services and support for carers.


Improving the lives of all carers in NSW

Providing information, education and training, resources and referrals to support carers.


  • If you are a carer of a person with care needs living at home, it helps to know what supports are available.
  • There are a number of services and programs that can help you as your needs change.


For more than 30 years, Carers Queensland has been working to advocate for equal rights, opportunities, and enhanced outcomes for families.

We work within and value our local community, responding to unmet need with care and respect, assisting those who are disconnected through high-quality personalised support.

Our objective is to ensure you achieve your goals, enhance your relationships, and can move forward with a life based on your own decisions and choices.


We are the voice for carers in the ACT and can provide support to all unpaid carers. We can connect you to other carers, provide advice and guidance, give you a break when you need it and offer services to make caring easier.

Together, we can share the care.

Carers Tas – Carers Association of Tasmania

We want your contribution to be valued and your voice to be heard. Carers Tasmania provides recognition, support and advice to make sure that you get the help that you need to fulfill your role to its best potential.


If you care for someone who has a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, drug or alcohol issue, or who is frail, we can connect you to services to support you in your caring role.
With more than 30 years of experience providing support and advice to unpaid carers, we are the main provider of services for carers in South Australia, as part of the Government’s new Carer Gateway model.


Carers NT supports carers in the Northern Territory to maintain their caring role and to take a break for themselves when they need to.

We provide respite, therapy services, education and training, advice and information, Volunteer Community Support, ongoing Aged Care Services, and support to people with disabilities as a Registered NDIS Provider.


A non-profit, community-based organisation. Improving the lives of carers across WA


Established in the early 1990s by and for family carers, Carers NZ acts as the national peak body providing information, advice, learning and support for carers in our network.

Today Carers NZ is a national not for profit supporting a network of approximately 490,000 individual carers and supporting organisations. We do not charge a membership fee and fundraise to share our support resources freely with family carers.